Who said there’s no free lunch? NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration – is doing just that – they just made 56 patents available to Public Domain (free to the public) freely available for unrestricted commercial use. Here are a few examples from the recent press release:
•Technologies designed to mitigate the dangerous gases created as humans live and
work in space
•Inventions related to rocket engine nozzles, injection systems and propellants that might
help launch a new generation of commercial spacecraft
•Methods for controlling airflow around vehicles in …hypersonic flight
To make this even easier to access the space-agency-technologies, NASA created a searchable database for the patents released to public-domain – visit http://technology.nasa.gov/publicdomain.
As Buzz Aldrin said on CNBC recently, “What makes a nation great is to inspire the world doing something they thought was impossible.” This entreprenur sure hopes our future administration(s) continue to understand & fund the need for NASA.
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